We are open M/Th at 5pm. Any changes posted here and on Facebook. Estamos abiertos Lunes y Jueves a las 5pm. Si hay cambios se publicarán aquí y en Facebook.
Free Urgent Care Serving Tacoma, WA
"I love volunteering with Neighborhood Clinic because it's an opportunity to pay it forward."
"I love volunteering with Neighborhood Clinic because it reminds me of our shared community and respect."
"The experience was a 10. They provided me with the supplies I needed to heal my foot so I didn't have to hobble around the store on my bad foot. Everybody, the doctors, nurses, and other volunteers were very caring and helpful. All of this allowed my foot to heal completely and I could go back to work."
"I love volunteering with Neighborhood Clinic because the teams are a hoot, always fun and always positive, makes volunteering an absolute pleasure."
"Thanks you for your life saving efforts to care for all our neighbors. I am so proud to be able to help in some small way."
"I love volunteering because I get to meet and take care of the great city of Tacoma in a safe, loving environment."
"I love volunteering because I get to feel like I make a difference every single night, and I get to work with talented people who love what they do!"
"I get to be part of a team that is filled with compassionate, caring people, treating the people of Tacoma in a welcome, safe way, people of every race, creed and gender, with dignity and respect."
“Mi experiencia es bueno porque me an tratado vien con amabilidad. Gracias por sus tiempo y amabilidad.” [Translation: "My experience was good because you treated me well, with kindness. Thank you for your time and kindness."]
"I'm very happy with how efficiently and fast these people helped me. When I have (inside) pains, only these doctors and assistants and/or nurses had a lot of patients (no pun intended) and compassion. They take time with people and didn't just guesstimate, they really understood what I meant and thought."
"I love volunteering with Neighborhood Clinic because I get to be a small part of a big, beautiful something that has enormous heart and effort important for so many in our community. It feels good."
"Un ambiente muy calido, llegamos recomendados pero pronto se hizo nuestro hogar. Se siente el sentimiento de amor y pasión en estos voluntarios, tenemos seguridad de haber sido bien atendidos, respetados y no discriminados, lo que es muy especial estando en USA; gracias."
[Translation: A very calm atmosphere. We came on recommendation but it soon became our home. You can feel the love and passion in these volunteers, we are sure to have been well cared for, respected, and not discriminated against, which is very special being in the US. Thank you.]